Wednesday, May 30, 2007

UPDATED Remove Autorun Virus or Chinese Virus from your system manually

UPDATED Remove Autorun Virus or Chinese Virus from your system manually


Step 1:



Go to windows explorer or my computer

Right-click on your drive(s) you will see these Chinese or sort of a thing "xioxex"

To reconfirm

Go to tools, folder options

Click on the view tab

Select show hidden files and folders

Uncheck hide protected operating system files (recommended)

Select Apply and OK

Check your drive(s)

The presence of Autorun.vbs and other sorts of Autorun shows that there is a virus on the system.

These viruses when left for a long time will disable your folder options, Run, Registry, Msconfig and ends up deleting or corrupting your document or files.



Step 2:



Select start menu

Click on run and type regedit click ok

Select edit menu and click on find

Type userinit, check "match whole string only", click find next

Double click on the userinit

Delete Autorun.bat only

Close Registry

You had just disable the virus from running each time you boot your system.

NOTE: if you cannot enter your registry that means the virus has deactivated it so you have to go to safe mode and repeat step 2


Step 3



Now you have to restart you computer

When restarting go to safe mode by pressing F8

When fully booted

Select start menu, click Run

Type cmd, select OK

Type cd\   press enter

Type Attrib –a –s –h –r  and press enter

Take note of the spaces in between the command and dashes

Type dir and press enter

You will see all the Autorun viruses and this is what you do.

Type del Autorun.* and press enter follow the same step for all drives that are infected.

Type exit and press enter

Now restart your computer in a normal mode and check you computer again using step 1 and all the viruses are gone….


Happy virus removal




Monday, May 21, 2007


3rd Annual Defcon Wifi Shootout Contest

New world record for unamplified wireless networking!!

125 miles!

Team iFiber Redwire and their awesome rig at base camp.

"Loaded for bear." That quaint phrase means that you have the biggest, baddest gun, loaded with the biggest, baddest bullet, because you may have to shoot a big, bad bear. It indicates that you have gone all out in an effort to be prepared for any situation.

"Loaded for bear" describes perfectly a team of determined young college students calling themselves "iFiber Redwire," who, with parents, family and friends in tow, traveled from Cincinnati, Ohio to a rugged desert area near Las Vegas, Nevada to compete in the 3rd Annual Defcon Wifi Shootout Contest. The contest challenges teams to wirelessly connect two computers at extreme distances using the radio technology known as "WiFi," and, on July 30, 2005, the efforts of iFiber Redwire paid off in an impressive way. After part of the team drove a trailer loaded with equipment to Utah Hill, near Beaver Dam in the state of Utah, iFiber Redwire used a fascinating collection of homemade antennas, surplus 12 foot satellite dishes, home-welded support structures, scaffolds, ropes and computers to wirelessly connect to their comrades who were located southwest of Las Vegas at the top of Mount Potosi. The final result was a full 11 Mbps data transfer rate over a distance of 125 miles, a new world record for an unamplified wireless networking connection.

In spite of equipment malfunctions, Team 4DI achieved a respectable
10-mile connection, winning the Commercial category.

NEW!! Now see the long-distance shot for yourself via Google Earth!
The base was located at 35° 53'35N, 115° 29'43W
The remote site was located at 37° 06'04N, 113° 49'28W

These can also be found by simply using this file: 125mi_shot.kmz.

Here's some great media coverage about the 2005 contest. Click the above "Media" link for more!
Wired News
Frank Keeney's Contest Video



Welcome to my world where everybody is somebody and none is nobody. Together we shall hack all hackables